‘The minute I walked in the door of St Michael & All Angels 8 years ago, I knew I had found my church home. The hospitality of the community was so welcoming – and not just of me, but also of my 3 very young children.
“In the early days, small groups of pioneer settlers were making their homes in the countryside around the centre now called Canberra and, despite the relatively difficult problems of transport and communication, their religious needs were met by ‘the bush parson’ who rode out on horseback or by carriage on one or more Sundays each month.
As these small centres grew, even modestly, there came local pressure for the building of a Church as a centre of worship, rather than the local hall or the parlour of one of the more affluent settlers.
And so it was in the Village of Hall, just on the boundary of the Capital Territory, that people gathered together in the 1930s to worship in the local hall, known as Kinleyside’s (late in 1938 Rochford’s) Hall in the main street of the village.
After World War 2, St Michael and all the Angels was built. Today people from across Canberra meet in this small village congregation to praise, worship and serve God.
Service Times
We worship together Sundays at 11am.
This service may also be joined via zoom. Both the Meeting ID and Password is: 9551044551
St Michael’s is also a great location for weddings.
St Michael and all the Angels
Corner of Victoria and Loftus Street
Hall Village ACT